its mostly nonsense


85 days of fitness October 7, 2010

Filed under: 100 days of fitness,puppy — Finny @ 11:29 pm

half an hour of gym work out

walked 1 mile

200 calories burned

sadly no i did not go to yoga today. i overloaded myself on coffee. when i do that and go to bikrim, i puke. i just went to holly’s and walked with her and worked out in the gym. it was nice. the weather was great for walking. i showed her other parts of the cake topper. she said she liked it, so im glad. i did warn her though… if i mess it up, i will destroy it and start over. i dont like having my mistakes staring back at me.

came home and the neighbor was out. she likes to talk. a lot. and thats fine and all, but sometimes i just want to go inside. today she came inside with me. she has a pitbull and thinks that she knows everything about dogs. she may know everything about her dog, but not mine. it really irritates me when people try to tell me how to treat my dogs. here’s the thing…

1. its not your dog. mind your business. if they are snarling at you, yes you should say something or push them away. if not, mind your business. i got it.

2. you have ONE dog. i have three. no matter what you say, its not going to work. pack mentality trumps everything. one on one, they are beautifully behaved pups. together, they are nutty. we are still working on it.

3. you dont know everything. you really dont. so shut up. i didnt ask you. (see #1)

she told us to let them bark at her and that they will calm down. no they will not. they will not calm down until we make them feel comfortable. they will see you as a threat and will verbalize it. she insisted. this went on for about 10 mins. my ears couldnt take it. so the boy and i had to hold them and calm them down. even then, they would still huff and growl. ranger was the brave one and went up to her to see what she was about. the other two never came to it. it was annoying. REALLY annoying.

sigh, now im irritated…


One Response to “85 days of fitness”

  1. Jenapa Says:

    After reading this post, I can only think of wilty lettuce. hahahahaha

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