its mostly nonsense


National Anthem January 21, 2011

Filed under: America — Finny @ 5:23 pm

I honestly don’t know what it is, or why… but the national anthem always, always, always chokes me up. It’s a very emotional song for me. It not because my brother is in the army or that I am so happy to be an American… though they do contribute to my pride. I just don’t know. I hear it, I get goose bumps, and I choke up. I’m trying to figure out why it would trigger such deep emotions for me… but I can’t. This is annoying. I hate it when I don’t understand my own feelings.

I am a very proud American. I am very grateful to be a citizen of such an amazing nation. This is one of my “hot” buttons when people are not appreciative of our country. Like… really, it’s pretty bad. I get into super heated arguments over this. Not with people I know, but with strangers. The people I know, know not to talk about this around me. Everyone tells me that I’m this hillbilly redneck. I drive a Dodge Hemi. I love country music. I want to be a farmer. And I’m super patriotic. All I picture when people tell me that, is some toothless guy in Arkansas with a shot gun talking about his rights. L I’m not a hillbilly! I don’t even understand why being patriotic makes me a hillbilly. I really don’t get it. Whatever. Moving on!

Coming from another country, having to work to be a citizen… maybe that’s what makes me appreciate it more? Korea is awesome. Really! I would love to live there for a year, but… its not got nothing on America. Civil rights, the ability to start anew from nothing, benefits for everything… are you kidding me? Nowhere else will you find these things. I’ve done TONS of research on this, believe me. When people bad mouth the United States, saying everywhere else is better… I ran to do research (when I was younger) to see if this was true. IT IS NOT TRUE!

Start over. Do something with your life. Be something. Where can you do that? HERE! In this beautiful country!!!! How remarkable is that? Gah… I get choked up thinking about it. Its just an incredible notion. When you have nothing and want to change that, you can do it!

My family moved here to start over, to have a better life. They had nothing. NOTHING. This country gave them the ability to start over. My parents took that and ran with it. They became successful business people. They bought a house. They raised 3 kids and sent them ALL to college. Isn’t that just wonderful? Its JUST like how they tell you on TV. Its real.

This country… This place that I get to live in… its incredible.

So I guess I’m a liar. I do know why I get choked up when I hear the national anthem…