its mostly nonsense


what a sad morning August 19, 2010

Filed under: puppy — Finny @ 9:32 am

so this morning my little baby ranger went to the vet. he is getting snipped today. ranger is a very happy, fun puppy. so to see him so visibly scared (he was shaking) it broke my heart. i was that crazy girl at the vet who cries. they kept assuring me that he was going to be fine, but it didnt help. i didnt want him to be scared. i wanted to comfort him and tell him he was ok. 😦

the other two had each other. when they went, they could take comfort knowing that the other was there… poor baby ranger 😦

i tear up thinking about it again…

then i come home and let the other two out. they spent the next ten mins looking for him. the figured that he wasnt here so they are sitting by the door.  theyre looking at me and then at the door. my heart… 😦

what a sad morning


reaction to the crate August 12, 2010

Filed under: puppy — Finny @ 11:36 pm

they ran away

no joke, they ran away.

the only one who came back to me was ranger. this is why i love him best. they all dug this hole under the fence and crawled out. ranger came back bc he loves me. the property behind the house is fenced off, so they didnt get far.


they freaking ran away and wouldnt come back. they always come when called. sometimes they will linger, but they do come.

i hate them

but i need them to love me… solution? i fed them beef short ribs

shut up, leave me alone


Laying the down the law! August 11, 2010

Filed under: puppy,the boy — Finny @ 11:46 pm

so i know that all the bad things the puppies do is bc i spoiled them. i know. and i know that i should crate them so that they dont tear holes in the carpet. i just kept thinking it was my fault. they were stressed and i didnt cater to them. I WONT! I WONT! i want them to be free and run and feel like this is their house too! BE FREE BABIES BE FREE!!!!

the boy had it

they went back to their old habits...

then they went after the bed... the brand new, $1000 bed...

today they went after my beloved couch

so the boy went and got a crate for them. he had a little bit of trouble bc he needed to find one for all three of them. he brought it home today… im not happy, the babies arent happy,  but hes really pissed at the dogs. and i guess they need to stop tearing our things up .

its a giant crate

we threw in everything from their crib. we tossed in their toys and rawhides. we even threw in some of our old laundry so they are comforted. we shall see how this turns out. i’ll keep you updated.


wet fart August 9, 2010

Filed under: puppy,super awesome — Finny @ 10:10 pm

so… i was starting this blog when something happened. ranger has finally learned to jump up onto the couch. so he jumped and decided that he needed to be clingy. so he climbed into my lap to take a nap. homedude wet farted on my arm. he was still dead asleep while i sat there in horror. hes a baby and i dont want to wake him, but he wet farted on my arm…

it started to smell really bad after 15 seconds so i gently pushed him off of me. yeah… hes precious.

so pres obama was in town today. he went to the four seasons for a fund raiser and then to campus to talk to students. of course in true austin fashion there were TONS of supporters as well as protesters. having military in the family, of course im a republican. support our troops! but there is something about obama and what he does for the public thats wonderful. hes inspired people. i feel that people havent felt moved in a very long time. so for that, i think hes wonderful.

and i’ll leave it at that

for my austin readers! listen… please be supportive of our teachers. this new property tax proposal is a great thing. raising property taxes to increase teacher pay TOTALLY WORTH IT! teachers work so hard for almost nothing. please keep that in mind!


my protector July 22, 2010

Filed under: puppy,the boy,ugly — Finny @ 2:40 pm

so i was doing the dishes when ranger went nuts. i told him to stop. he kept going. he would look at me and then go back to barking like crazy. he was crouched down and was barking at something underneath one of the shelving units. i went to take a look and holy holy.

its the size of my palm. my bug killer wasnt here (the boy) so i tried not to scream. i have to be brave for my babies. i told ranger, good boy! good boy! and then i grabbed some bleaching spray. i sprayed the giant killer spider. yeah… it ran away. so now i have nightmares


Mirror Mirror on the Wall July 16, 2010

Filed under: puppy — Finny @ 12:45 am

oh schautze… my vain little girl


Question July 14, 2010

Filed under: puppy,the boy — Finny @ 12:47 pm

so… i am aware that i am a little nutty. i was thinking about my puppies and how much i love them. its kind of unhealthy. i think of them as actual babies. thats not a good thing. but i do. and i dont really care.

i asked the boy a question “if you had to choose to save a stranger or the puppies, who would you pick”

immediately the answer was the puppies. is that a bad thing? i asked him that too. he said no. he said “maybe the stranger is a bad person or a drug dealer” hahaha isnt that cute? then i said ” well its still a person vs a dog” he said so? hahahha

i would pick the puppies too. thats terrible, i know. a human life vs an animal’s? honestly thats what i would do. i love them. i would be devastated without them.

look how sweet? wouldnt you be devastated?


Updates July 12, 2010

Filed under: puppy,susie homemaker/home cooking,the boy — Finny @ 4:41 pm

😦 there has been a very dramatic drop in hits to the site. my fault of course. i havent been updating. im mostly moved now, so i’ll be able to get back into this.

the move

we have moved to a house. the puppies are dying bc they love it so much. they are like little kids; all they want to do is play outside. when they get tired they come in, nap, and then demand to go back outside. we have a good size backyard. it has a treehouse. honestly, its a treehouse. its huge and it has stairs leading up to it. i havent been able to go up there yet, but i will soon and take pictures. they love it. its just so freaking cute

the second bedroom is filled with boxes. i think we can throw them away. we’ve been living just fine with them all packed away. i hate having stuff… theres always so much stuff. i wish we could just throw it all away. and we need to unpack all those boxes. my brother and sister will be visiting soon. thats the guest bedroom. so much stuff… sigh

the other apt still has MORE stuff. the kitchen, bathroom, and ALL of our clothes are still over there. i am not looking forward to that at all. after we get everything out, we have to fix the carpet that the puppies destroyed. plus it smells like pee there 😦 i love how no one ever told us that our apt reeked. now i am obsessed with smells. i have to keep this house smelling lovely at all times. so i guess i’ll have to start baking again.

steam cleaning round 2… i am not looking forward to that at all. so much more carpet to clean. i tried to clean the bedroom… two days. it was only half of it too. the previous renters were apparently disgusting.

the wedding

so the boy and i went to our friends’ wedding this past weekend. (this is the reasons why im still all packed up even though we moved on wed) we had to make trips back and forth to san antonio. i do not like this drive at all. fri i went down to the bachelorette party. it was a spa day and then off to the comedy club. very cute and simple. let me tell you about this spa…. AMAZING. i loved everything about it. we all got our feet pampered (oatmeal soak, salt scrub, massage, hot stone treatment, and then paraffin wax), hot oil scalp massage, and then an hour and half full body massage. amazing right? yeah, i know, youre jealous. you should be. it was AMAZING. the comedy club was nice. i laughed some. i dont really care for racist jokes, but the ones that werent racist or vulgar, were funny.

the wedding was beautiful. the venue was so sweet and elegant. the bride was just so lovely. the dress was so beautiful. sigh… i saw it in pictures beforehand… no no no. you must see this thing in person. yeah its one of those things. she was emotional during the ceremony. it made me all teary. the bride is always so happy and giggly. thats all. to see her be moved to tears…. gah, it killed me. food was so good too. yummy

and now im here. blogging vs unpacking




Update: Little Rock June 25, 2010

Filed under: odd,puppy,the boy — Finny @ 8:00 pm

i was thinking about redoing the post from yesterday, but i thought it was neat how only “so he” came about. that post was made from my smart phone. it was freaking out and was only able to send that. i tried to redo it several times and each time only “so he” would load. weird right?

well now i have connection to my netbook and i am able to blog.

i am in little rock, ar…. why? the boy. he is from there and his family still lives there. this is the first time i am seeing his hometown…. well HIS hometown. ive driven through AR many times and have stopped in little rock a few of those times. the puppies are with us. they are having the time of their lives. not only is there a backyard for them to run around in, but they have stairs. they love stairs. sigh… theyre so cute.

right now, they are all in the kitchen with me… passed out on the floor. this is what im looking at…

hmm… lets see. today was my first full day here. we went to 2 parks and walked around. we went and did the whole Man_V_Food little rock thing. (more to come… with pictures of course). we went to the store to buy things for dinner. i made dinner (which i really hope that everyone enjoyed vs being polite) and now… we are waiting for the boy to get done with his homework. if he finishes, then we can go out and play with his friends. hahaha i know that sounds weird. hes taking classes for his masters. his assignments are due sunday. so we are hoping to get half done today, half tomm, and hopefully squeeze in his discussions. its a lot of work, but it must get done.

i will leave you today with a picture. it shows how much the babies like little rock


Ranger June 13, 2010

Filed under: puppy — Finny @ 10:19 am

my little baby is growing up 😦  . hes so smart and cute, it hurts me. i have him on a system where he tells me what he wants. “do you want water? mama?(food) out? potty?” those are the only things he cares about. which ever one he wants, he barks at. every now and then i’ll throw in different options. do you want daddy? then he runs over to where stephen is and plays. do you want up? and then i’ll pull him up on the couch or bed. SO FREAKING CUTE I CANT TAKE IT! bc i pay so much attention to him, the other two have calmed down on their bratty-ness. before ranger, they were SUPER brats. they had attitude, were super stubborn, and would plain ignore us. now that ranger is in the picture, they try so hard to get our attention. they try to be cute and clingy. they have changed a lot. im just scared that ranger will catch onto their bad behavior. he does act like them a little, but i try to correct that as fast as i can. i cant deal with  dogs that i want to throw.

look at my cute baby

he does not want his toenails cut

hes the saddest puppy in the world

hes that guy that gets peed on at the dog park 😦